Short-term sulfur dioxide exposure may lead to respiratory
effects such as bronchoconstriction and increased asthma symptoms. Children, the
elderly, and asthmatics are three of the most susceptible populations that show
agitation to sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide has the potential to react with
other compounds that are present in the atmosphere to form small particles that
can deeply penetrate into the lungs. This can worsen, or even cause,
respiratory diseases including emphysema and bronchitis. So2 may also irritate
existing heart disease.
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is another one in a group of high
reactive gasses. Nitrogen dioxide is released into the air via cars, trucks,
buses, power plants, and off-road equipment. NO2 contributes to the formation
of ground-level ozone and fine particle pollution.
Similar to sulfur dioxide, short term exposure to nitrogen
dioxide is linked to airway inflammation in health populations and increased
respiratory symptoms in populations with asthma. NO2 levels are sometimes 30 to
100% higher in areas within 50 meters of roadways than those areas away from
roadways. Children, the elderly, and those with asthma are susceptible
populations to adverse health effects from nitrogen dioxide exposure.
NO2 may react with ammonia, moisture, and other compounds in
the air to form small particles. These small particles have the potential to
deeply penetrate the lungs and can cause or worsen respiratory diseases such as
emphysema and bronchitis, as well as agitate pre-existing heart disease. Ozone
forms when nitrogen oxide and organic compounds react in the presence of heat
and sunlight. Populations at-risk for adverse health effects when exposed to
ozone include children, the elderly, those with lung diseases, and people who
work or exercise outside. Ozone can cause reduced lung function and increased
respiratory symptoms.
